Saturday, 2 May 2015

How to earn from affiliated marketing

Really it would be a great day if we earn $50 per day. Affiliate marketing is the easiest way to earn quickly. All happens in one submit button. Yes, blogging is not just about Google Ads, its way more than that. If people get seriously into Affiliate marketing, then it could earn them in a day what they earn from Ads in a month or two. A 26 year old high school dropout (slash academic failure) who makes a lot of money from the Internet. You only need few things a loyal readers Add your comment Posted in Become an Affiliate Marketer, Building an Online Business, General Affiliate Marketing Tagged with affiliate marketing income, bag of dicks income, cpa affiliate earnings, cpa earning potential.

If you're in affiliate marketing, here's a quick reference of some of the more common terms used in conjunction with affiliate marketing. By familiarizing yourself with the terminology you'll be better able to understand the affiliate agreement, how different programs work, and how you can earn money. Below you'll find direct links to common affiliate marketing terms .

Want to make money online with a website? Or are you struggling to earn from your existing site? Finally! A hype-free affiliate marketing course that provides actionable strategies and lessons that will help you make money by creating an "authority content website" on a topic that interests you.You'll learn how to earn money from your site by joining affiliate programs and recommending products that are related to your site's content. You earn a commission for every sale you refer, and the best part is, you don't have to ship anything or deal with the customers! The web is littered with massive amounts of hype about affiliate marketing, other "make money online" topics and no information with any real value. Many of these sites and products are authored by people who aren't making a dime, and they're trying to sell you a product they don't really use or some get-rich-quick dream just so they can pad their pockets. I'm not filthy rich, but I am making a very comfortable living online with affiliate marketing, Google AdSense and selling my own products -- much of it is passive.
This course will put you in a position to make money with your website for the long haul by ensuring you get off to the right start with topic choice and direction -- which is where most people fail big time. What's even better is you can apply these principles to ANY kind of website that you want to make money from, not just affiliate sites.

Convincing people to buy products you are affiliated with (and making money online in general) is about gradually building yourself up as an authority and diversifying your traffic sources so you are not just relying on Google. There are specific strategies and real-world examples in this course that will help you do just that. I begin with advice on how to brainstorm and do some preliminary keyword research for your best topic. There are a lot of misconceptions and myths about keyword research that I will squash. Then it goes over the WordPress basics for setting up your website.

You'll also receive UP-TO-DATE info on what it really takes to rank a website today instead of outdated techniques that waste time and don't work anymore. Plus, I'll show you how to avoid getting penalized. In addition, you'll learn about some email marketing strategies you can use to help drive traffic to your affiliate site and convert more sales. The last section of the course is dedicated to strategies that maximize your affiliate marketing earnings.

These are techniques that I currently use myself to make money online. I'm looking forward to sharing them with you! My course is not for anyone looking to make money online overnight, or who expects to put up a site and rank on Google in 3 days. If that's what you're looking for, I'm sure you can find numerous websites and courses online that will sell you that dream. This affiliate marketing course is going to give you a very, very solid foundation so you understand how to build an authority website that people trust and will earn for years to come. It's the perfect course for newbies or people who are struggling with making money online. As I stated, even though this course focuses mostly on affiliate marketing, you can use many of the strategies and principles for any kind of site that is created to generate a profit.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

New small car 2015, Renault

Renoult new small car 2015

Besides this small car, Renault might also launch a sub-compact SUV and the facelfited models of its existing products. Though, the company hasn't officially said anything about other products.

French automajor Renault is set to launch a Multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) and a small car in 2015, a move that it says will help it reach 5% market share by 2016. The company will also enter the used car business by second quarter of 2015. Sumit Sawhney, country chief executive officer and managing director, Renault India Operations, said that the new MPV 'Lodgy' will be launched by end of March or beginning of April. The seven-seater MPV will be manufactured at Renault-Nissan's plant in Oragadam, near Chennai and will take on rivals including Innova, Mobilio and Ertiga. The small car, which will cost less than Rs 4 lakh, will be a global product which will be launched in India. Renault has a market share of 2% now and majority of its sales are driven by Duster. In 2014, the company sold around 49,000 units, of which Duster sales constitued 80%. The ratio is expected to come down significantly, even though Duster sales will go up, after the launch of Lodgy and the small car, said Sawhney. The company entered the passenger car segment, after its break-up with Mahindra, three to four years back. In 2015, the company has set a target to double its sales. Renault is also planning to expand its dealership base to 205 from the current 157. Major chunk of the expansion will be in tier-II and beyond markets, said Sawhney. The company is also going to strengthen existing products. While it launched new Pulse last week, it is also planning to make change Scala, a sedan, with more features. "Our USP is packaging with the right product, right pricing and at the right time," Sawhney said, adding that the company is also evaluating automated manual transmission (AMT) technology for its future cars.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Education system in America , standard

Education system in America , standard compared

Meanwhile, the Obama Administration announced in February 2010 that it intends to make receipt of Title I funding contingent on the adoption of common standards. Nearly every school district participates in the $14.5 billion Title I program, which provides federal funds for low-income students. Furthermore, the Obama Administration has announced a grant competition for the creation of common assessments among states that would replace state assessments.

Free thoughts...: A New Education (Part 2)

The age of entry to compulsory education in the U.S. varies, according to the state, between 5 and 7 years of age, 6 being the most common. The age at which compulsory schooling ends varies between 16 and 18 years of age, the most common being 16. School education does not end until age 18, or completion of the 12th year of school and those who leave school at the end of compulsory education without earning a secondary (high school) diploma do not receive any certificate or recognition - they are considered to be secondary school drop-outs. Students may graduate a year earlier or late depending on when they entered school. Gifted students may graduate earlier because they skipped grades, and students may graduate later because they  repeat grades. School years are referred to as "grades" in the United States. The length of primary education varies from four to seven years, i.e. grades 1-4, 1-7, etc. Each state determines what grade range constitutes primary education, called "elementary education". According to its length, elementary education may be followed (or not) by a number of years of middle school education (generally three years).  Secondary education takes place in grades 7-12, depending upon the laws and policies of states and local school districts. There is no national structure, curriculum or governing law; all laws and policies are set and enforced by the 50 state governments and the over 14,000 local school districts. All states and school districts have set the secondary school graduation level as the completion of 12th grade, and the common name for the secondary graduation qualification is the High School Diploma. This diploma name covers a variety of awards for different curricula and standards. There are Honors/Regents, academic/college preparatory, vocational, and general/basic high school diploma tracks. There are a statewide minimum course requirement and other graduation requirements in each State which usually correspond to the general/basic track. Vocational and academic/college preparatory or honors/Regents diplomas usually have additional set curricular requirements and/or standards which aspiring graduates must meet or exceed. In addition, many US secondary school districts and private schools allow students to participate in the Advanced Placement (AP) programme of the College Board. This programme allows qualified students to take college level introductory courses in selected subjects taught by certified faculty. Examinations are offered in each AP subject at the end of an academic year; a score of 3 or higher generally results in universities awarding advanced standing in that subject - exempting the student from distribution requirements.There are currently over 35 AP subjects with more being planned. A growing number of public and private secondary schools also offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) as an optional track; completion of IB requirements usually requires an additional summer or semester of study beyond the 12th year. The contents of an individual student's programme at any grade level or upon obtaining a diploma or an online RN to BSN degree are contained in the record of studies called a Transcript. Transcripts are official documents authenticated with the seal of the school or institution and signed by the registrar.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Ambedkar BR Great Man Indian History

Ambedkar BR

Bhimayana: Experiences of Untouchability is a graphic novel narrates episodes from the life of Ambedkar using Pardhan-Gond style by Durgabai Vyam and Subhash Vyam. The book published by Navayana Books was identified as one of the top 5 political graphic novel by CNN. Author Prabhakar Joshi, began writing a biography of Ambedkar in Sanskrit in 2004. Joshi is a recipient of Maharashtra Government's 'Mahakavi Kalidas' award. The completed work, Bhimayan, comprises 1577 shlokas and is intended as an atonement for the injustice done to the young Bhimrao by some teachers.


Political tyranny is nothing compared to the social tyranny and a reformer who defies society is a more courageous man than a politician who defies Government. B. R. Ambedkar Government, Society, Political

Among the Aryans the etiquette for receiving important guests had become settled into custom and had become a ceremony. The most important offering was Madhuparka. A detailed description regarding Madhuparka are to be found in the various Grahya Sutras. According to most of the Grahya Sutras there are six persons who have a right to be served with Madhuparka namely, Ritwija or the Brahmin called to perform a sacrifice, Acharya, the teacher, The bridegroom The King The Snatak, the student who has just finished his studies at the Gurukul and Any person who is dear to the host. Some add Atithi to this list. Except in the case of Ritvija, King and Acharya, Madhuparka is to be offered to the rest once in a year. To the Ritvija, King and Acharya it is to be offered each time they come.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Biography - Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar History ...

Ultimo di quattordici tra fratelli e sorelle, Ambedkar nacque in una famiglia di tradizione militare, prima nell'esercito privato della Compagnia delle Indie poi nell'esercito dell'India Britannica. Nel 1894 col pensionamento dall'esercito del padre e la morte della madre la famiglia si trasferì a Satara e in breve solo cinque tra fratelli e sorelle sopravvissero. Grazie alle istituzioni militari Ambedkar poté studiare e fu il solo della sua famiglia a superare gli esami giungere a iscriversi in un istituto superiore, dove il suo insegnante gli mutò il cognome nei registri scolastici dall'originario Ambavadekar in Ambedkar. Nel 1898 Ambedkar si trasferì quindi a Bombay divenendo studente al Government High School. Nel 1907 si iscrisse alla University of Bombay divenendo il primo studente universitario fuoricasta di tutta l'India, presentandosi con una biografia del Buddha col docente Krishnaji Arjun Keluskar. Ricevette una borsa di studio, 25 rupie mensili, da parte di Sayyaji Rao Gaekwad III, mahārāja di Baroda. Si sposò con un matrimonio imposto, secondo costume hindu, con Ramabai, di nove anni. Laureatosi in economia e scienze politiche nel 1912, divenne padre di Yashwant e, nel 1913, rimase orfano anche di padre. Nel 1913, con una borsa di studio di 11,5 sterline mensili, si iscrisse a un triennio di dottorato alla Columbia University di New York. Presentatosi con una tesi Ancient Indian Commerce, completò gli studi di economia nel 1916 con la tesi National Dividend of India-A Historic and Analytical Study. Nello stesso anno si trasferì a Londra dove si iscrisse ai corsi di diritto al Gray's Inn e ai corsi di economia alla London School of Economics and Political Science. Nel 1917, con la fine della borsa di studio, fu costretto a tornare in India, ma i suoi libri - inviati su un battello a vapore - furono affondati da un sottomarino tedesco. Nel 1920 a Bombay iniziò la pubblicazione della rivista Mooknayak, critica del sistema sociale castale hindu. A Kolhapur, dopo un suo discorso contro la discriminazione castale, Shahu V, il mahārāja locale, lo definì il "futuro leader nazionale" e, dopo aver pranzato con Ambedkar - lasciando la società ortodossa completamente scioccata - gli garantì un aiuto economico per proseguire gli studi interrotti a Londra. Con le lauree conseguite nel 1922 iniziò la sua pratica forense, vincendo cause celebri in difesa di non-bramini contro bramini.


B. R. Ambedkar 1970, Viewed 14 April 2015, <>.

B. R. Ambedkar 1970, Viewed 14 April 2015, <>.

B. R. Ambedkar Quotes 1970, Viewed 14 April 2015, <>.

Did Hindus Never Eat Beef? By BR Ambedkar 1970, Viewed 14 April 2015, <>.


Sex in Presidential campaign 2016 America

Sex in Presidential campaign 2016 America

Ninety-three percent of young white people and African-Americans say they are likely to vote, while 88 percent of young Latinos plan to turn out. And 89 percent of high-school graduates, 90 percent of attendees of at least some college, and 94 percent of college graduates are likely to vote.

Kentucky's Rand Paul joining 2016 presidential campaign Republican ...

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, also considering a presidential run, said Monday the Supreme Court action was "tragic and indefensible'' and "judicial activism at its worst." Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who has said he is considering running for president, said on CNN Friday that although he opposes same-sex marriage, "I don't really think the government needs to be too involved,'' and "a lot of people have rethought" opposition to legalization.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | Local, National & World News

Eventually, Republicans are going to have to take up Paul's calls to speak to the black community on criminal justice reform and explain how their issues affect black communities if they want to win future elections. "The Republicans are going to have to come to grips with the consequences of the 1950s," she said. 

Today, the presidential election process remain controversial, with critics arguing that it is inherently undemocratic, and discourages voter participation and turnout in many areas of the country. Because of the staggered nature of the primary season, voters in Iowa, New Hampshire and other small states which traditionally hold their primaries and caucuses first in January usually have a major impact on the races. Campaign activity, media attention, and voter participation are usually higher in these states, as the candidates attempt to build momentum and generate a bandwagon effect in these early primaries. Conversely, voters in California and other large states which traditionally hold their primaries last in June usually end up having no say in who the presidential candidates will be. The races are usually over by then, and thus the campaigns, the media, and voters have little incentive to participate in these late primaries. As a result, more states vie for earlier primaries to claim a greater influence in the process. However, compressing the primary calendar in this way limits the ability of lesser-known candidates to effectively corral resources and raise their visibility among voters, especially when competing with better-known candidates who have more financial resources and the institutional backing of their party's establishment. Primary and caucus reform proposals include a National Primary held on a single day; or the Interregional Primary Plan, where states would be grouped into six regions, and each of the regions would rotate every election on who would hold their primaries first.

Female Next Presidential campaign 2016

Female Next Presidential campaign 2016

Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) — Paul, who is up for reelection in 2016, looks like a sure bet to run for president. Of all the possible 2016 GOP hopefuls, Paul has arguably had the best 2014.

2016 Presidential Election

Raised in a traditional Jewish home, Sid Roth was set free from demonic oppression through a supernatural encounter with Jesus. Since 1977, his radio and television ministry "Messianic Vision" has sought to boldly proclaim Christ as Messiah, first to the Jews, then to the Gentiles (Romans 1:16).

Clinton poised to launch 2016 US presidential campaign - Al ...

Although the 2012 election frenzy has finally died down, the media is already looking ahead to 2016 to see which of both parties' rising stars could make up the field. We at The Huffington Post figured we might as well join the fray and explore which women could be poised to launch a presidential bid. Sorry, and you're welcome.

Clinton kicks off 2016 campaign online, heads next to Iowa :: WRAL.

After a relatively quiet public schedule this year, Mrs. Clinton planned to deliver a paid speech at a women's conference in Silicon Valley on Tuesday—the first in a series of addresses in the coming weeks focused on women. Ever since the birth of Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky, in September, Mrs. Clinton has infused her public comments with references to being a new grandmother.

In some ways, the shift in attitudes about women in politics is a reflection of broader cultural trends. Women now outnumber men among recipients of undergraduate and graduate degrees, and they are increasingly stepping into leadership positions in all walks of life, from business to government and beyond. As more people answer to female bosses and consult with female colleagues, old biases about the role of women in public life and their leadership capabilities have faded.

Republican Next Presidential campaign 2016

Republican Next Presidential campaign 2016

He also sought to sound aggressive on terrorism. "The enemy is radical Islam and not only will I name the enemy, I will do what ever it takes to defend America from these haters of mankind," he said.

Jeb Bush for President in 2016 campaign buttons and stickers

The Republican Tea Party favorite from Minnesota has already attempted a run at the White House and failed to clear the hurdles of the GOP primary, but she could be up to give it another go. Bachmann is an outspoken conservative who stands with the right-wing segment of the party. She opposes tax increases, big-government spending, the Affordable Care Act, environmental regulation and gay rights. The four-term congresswoman is an adroit fundraiser, employing a strategy that allows her to make controversial statements on public platforms and then reap the funding windfall. In 2008, she brought in nearly $1 million after accusing President Barack Obama of having anti-American views. But the Minnesotan barely clung on to her seat in the 2012 election, eeking out a win by just over 4,000 votes -- which calls into question her ability to attract the majority of the GOP electorate and independent voters four years from now. -- Sarah Bufkin

About as many Democratic voters (21%) say there is a good chance they would vote for Senator Elizabeth Warren, despite being substantially less well known than the vice president. Bernie Sanders, Jim Webb and Martin O'Malley are little recognized, and fewer than a quarter of Democratic voters currently say there is any chance they would vote for them.

Hillary Clinton Next Presidential campaign

Hillary Clinton Next Presidential campaign

It's fitting that Hillary Clinton stands as the natural successor to President Obama. Savvy and politically ambitious, she leveraged her time as first lady to win a Senate seat, run a path-breaking presidential campaign, and serve four years as secretary of state in the Obama White House.

Hilary Clinton to Launch 2016 Presidency Campaign in the Next Two ...

There's an argument—a strong one—that the Democratic Party holds a natural advantage in presidential elections. From the get-go, when you tally the electoral votes of reliably "blue" states in the Northeast, the Rust Belt, and the West Coast, Democrats start with a 37 electoral vote advantage over Republicans, 190 to 153. If you add lean Democratic and lean Republican states to the mix—places where a party consistently wins with margins between 5 and 10 percentage points—Democrats start the 2016 presidential election with 257 electoral votes out of the 270 they need to win. Add Virginia to the total—which has gone blue in four out of its last five statewide elections—and Democrats have the presidency.

Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free ...

"Hillary's not going to dispense with Maggie Williams. She's not going to dispense with Cheryl Mills. She's not going to dispense with Huma Abedin just because the new boy's on the block," says one Democrat close to the Clintons, listing three of Hillary's closest longtime advisers. "The new boy on the block has to learn who those people are, how to accommodate them, and, importantly, how to harness them towards the common enterprise. They all want Hillary elected, but they also all have their own turf."

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Ford new cars 2015 sports

Ford new cars 2015 sports

Over the past five decades, the car-buying public has developed a certain mental image of the so-called "muscle car." That image is of rudimentary barnyard engineering, hulking engines capable of extreme straight-line speed, and no ability to comprehend a corner.

Model_Image3_136B520C-C752-57D ...

Ford is able to squeeze so much power out of such a small engine thanks to a huge pile of enhancements that include a combination port/direct injection system, low-friction roller-finger-follower valvetrain and of course those two turbochargers. Sending that power to the wheels is a seven-speed, dual-clutch transaxle. Sorry kids, there is no manual transmission GT this time.

2013 Ford Explorer Sport - 2015 New Ford Cars and Trucks

2015 Ford Explorer Details Interior For the most part, the 2015 Ford Explorer puts its bulk to good use inside, offering three rows of seating for up to seven passengers. Surprisingly, the 2-passenger third row offers enough room for adults. The second row comes as either a 3-person bench, or it can be had with two bucket seats. Both seats can be equipped to power-fold flat, and when down, you have 80.7 cubic feet of cargo area. Throughout, the Explorer's width is put to good use too, maybe too good, as some shorter drivers may find it's a stretch to rest an arm on the door. Exterior Nobody could call the 2015 Explorer "sleek," although its streamlined shape does a good job of hiding its overall bulk. Bulges in just the right places hint at muscularity, and the long horizontal creases along the sides convey motion. New this year is a sport-appearance package for the mid-level XLT, which adds bigger wheels, a darker grille and other touches to give the Explorer a sportier look. However, it's not as bold as the Explorer Sport, which adds a black grille, big wheels, and a don't-mess-with-me demeanor.

Friday, 10 April 2015

Honda motor new sports car 2015

Honda motor new sports car 2015

02. 2015 Honda CR-Z The 2015 Honda CR-Z is the most cheap and approachable hybrid sports motorcar on this please, and it wis reveal when examining its performance statistics (0-60-mph in 8.8 another). However, the chassis that comes with the Honda CR-Z move better than average subcompact handling in the front-revolve drive division, and the two-site coupe can also be had with a six-success autographic transmission if so long for. The CR-Z is accommodate with a 1.5-liter, four-roll motor and a unmixed thermoelectric engine that together are religious for 130 horsepower and 140 lb-ft of torque, and second-hand the vahan's S+ button (mounted on the steering rotate) note five assistance of full-on faradaic push profitable for exceeding or pulling hard out of a corner.

2015-motor-trend-sport-utility ...

In April 2011, Automotive News reported that Honda is developing a new mockery car to be a successor to the NSX. It relate that Honda CEO Ito said the car would be cheering to drive but also environmentally friendly. It is trust the vahan will embodied an electric drivetrain to give the petrol motor a boost. Back in late 2010, Motor Trend reported that Honda was glance into a mid-torture mulatto frolic motor to be an NSX successor.

Honda Civic: The Civic custom to be a bargain, fair vehicle that was sport to strive, but, during the past decade or so, Honda Motor Co. Ltd. unredeemed the magic. The new Civic concept is believe to make a narrative, namely, that Honda is back. Chris Martin, Honda's notorious-relations operator for the Western region, said, " moving back to the stem of what relations hope from the Honda Civic." The Civic is departure to be a complete plan from now on -- Americans will get the banner coupe and sedan, of course, but also a hatchback for the first age in 10 years. Honda is undertaking to convince enthusiasts that it's finally composed again, and it'll necessity to recall it off if it want the customers that Ford, Subaru and Volkswagen have been agitation. The newly Civic will go on auction in late 2015.


Tata motor new car 2015

Tata motor new car 2015

The Tata Bolt is going site. The renovated diesel automobile is stay to churn out 64.1bhp and 14.27kgm of torque. Euro IV ready, await this recent steam engine to do duty on more Tata offerings in the futurition.

Cars - Passenger Vehicle - News - Auto - Industry - ET Auto

I am not sure if you still remember that Tata was once operation on carriage that would proceed on compacted publicity. 27 Feb 2015

Powering the Tata Kite will be Tata's all-renovated 1.05-litre three- cylinder common-scold diesel engine that was showcased away back in Auto Expo 2012, bred to a five-hurry keyboard gear case. The hatchback's next stop, as we cull, will be at the Geneva Motor Show 2015 and that too in a sportier avatar. However, a lath report announce in Business Standard assert that Tata's compacted melody-influence car is in conclusive staging of production, and might plunge in the secondary half of 2015.

Tata Motors-owned JLR drives UK car production boom | The ...

Tata Motors, has uncover the Hexa crossing over conception at the 2015 Geneva Motor Show. For those who did not recognize, the Indian auto giant had partnered with Motor Development International (MDI) - a French resolute - to business on this outshoot about 7 yonks ago. The company's hush on the project led us to suppose that the project had been shelved. The conception previews the company's upcoming six-seater crossover, which is likely to be launched in 2016.

Maruti New Car 2015

Maruti New Car 2015 In India

Maruti's EcoSport rival is all set to hit showrooms in 2015. This all-new compact SUV, codename YBA will be less than four meteres long and will come with heavily stylized and muscular exteriors. The overall look of this compact SUV will be based heavily on the Suzuki iV-4 concept SUV shown earlier. We expect the Maruti YBA crossover will have to pack in a lot of equipment to seriously take on the EcoSport, so here too, expect a lot of equipment. Our sources tell us that Maruti may unveil the production version of this all-new compact SUV at the Auto Expo 2016 and it could be called Maruti iV4. Read full story here.

New cars for 2015: SUVs and MPVs | Car News | SUV/Crossovers ...

Good news folks! Maruti has been diligently working on many new models and one of the upcoming Maruti cars in 2015 is the diesel variant of the popular Celerio hatchback. If the latest reports are anything to go by, the Maruti Suzuki Celerio Diesel launch is around the corner. The Celerio has already become a huge hit for the company and the addition of the diesel engine is sure to make the car even more popular. The diesel engine which will power the Celerio will be first seen on Maruti's upcoming LCV, codenamed the Y9T. The Y9T will go up against the likes of the Tata Ace and the Mahindra Maxximo and will help Maruti engineers fine-tune the engine for NVH before the engine is used in the company's passenger cars.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

What is meaning of love?

वास्तविक प्रेमी अंत तक प्रेम करते हैं। अंतिम दिन वे इतनी गहराई से प्रेम करते हैं जितना उन्होंने प्रथम दिन किया होता है; उनका प्रेम कोई उत्तेजना नहीं होता। उत्तेजना तो वासना होती है। तुम सदैव ज्वरग्रस्त नहीं रह सकते। तुम्हें स्थिर और सामान्य होना होता है। वास्तविक प्रेम किसी बुखार की तरह नहीं होता यह तो श्वास जैसा है जो निरंतर चलता रहता है।

प्रेम ही हो जाओ। जब आलिंगन में हो तो आलिंगन हो जाओ, चुंबन हो जाओ। अपने को इस पूरी तरह भूल जाओ कि तुम कह सको कि मैं अब नहीं हूँ, केवल प्रेम है। तब हृदय नहीं धड़कता है, प्रेम ही धड़कता है। तब खून नहीं दौड़ता है, प्रेम ही दौड़ता है। तब आँखें नहीं देखती हैं, प्रेम ही देखता है। तब हाथ छूने को नहीं बढ़ते, प्रेम ही छूने को बढ़ता है। प्रेम बन जाओ और शाश्वत जीवन में प्रवेश करो।"

Friday, 23 January 2015

Buddhism and abortion

There is no single Buddhist view on abortion:
.Most Western and Japanese Buddhists come away believing in the permissibility of abortion, while many other Buddhists believe abortion to be murder.

Buddhists believe that life should not be destroyed, but they regard causing death as morally wrong only if the death is caused deliberately or by negligence.

Traditional Buddhism rejects abortion because it involves the deliberate destroying of a life.

Buddhists regard life as starting at conception.

Buddhism believes in rebirth and teaches that individual human life begins at conception. The new being, bearing the karmic identity of a recently deceased individual, is therefore as entitled to the same moral respect as an adult human being.
Modern Buddhists, however, are more divided about the morality of abortion.

It's personal

Buddhists are expected to take full personal responsibility for everything they do and for the consequences that follow.

The decision to abort is therefore a highly personal one, and one that requires careful and compassionate exploration of the ethical issues involved, and a willingness to carry the burden of whatever happens as a result of the decision.

The ethical consequences of the decision will also depend on the motive and intention behind the decision, and the level of mindfulness with which it was taken.

Buddhism and killing
According to the teachings of Buddha, five conditions must be present to constitute an act of killing.
the thing killed must be a living being
you, the killer, must know or be aware that it is a living being you must have the intention to kill it there must be an effort to kill the being must be killed as the result
Here's an example of how an abortion might constitute an act of killing:

When a baby is conceived, a living being is created and that satisfies the first condition. Although Buddhists believe that beings live in a cycle of birth death and rebirth, they regard the moment of conception as the beginning of the life of an embodied individual.
After a few weeks the woman becomes aware of its existence and that meets the second condition.
If she decides she wants an abortion that provides an intention to kill.
When she seeks an abortion that meets the fourth condition of making an effort to kill.
Finally the being is killed because of that action.
Therefore the First Precept of Buddhism - not to kill - is violated and this is tantamount to killing a human being.

Lives in the balance

Buddhists face a difficulty where an abortion is medically necessary to save the life of the mother and so a life will be lost whether there is or isn't an abortion.

In such cases the moral status of an abortion will depend on the intentions of those carrying it out.

If the decision is taken compassionately, and after long and careful thought then although the action may be wrong the moral harm done will be reduced by the good intentions involved.

Abortion for the sake of the baby

There are cases where not having an abortion may result in the birth of a child with medical conditions that cause it to suffer.

Traditional Buddhist thinking does not deal with these cases, but it has been argued by some Buddhists that if the child would be so severely handicapped that it would undergo great suffering, abortion is permissible.

The Dalai Lama has said:

Of course, abortion, from a Buddhist viewpoint, is an act of killing and is negative, generally speaking. But it depends on the circumstances.
If the unborn child will be retarded or if the birth will create serious problems for the parent, these are cases where there can be an exception. I think abortion should be approved or disapproved according to each circumstance.
Dalai Lama, New York Times, 28/11/1993

While it's pretty obvious why abortion is considered to generate bad karma for the mother and the abortionist it may not be so obvious why it generates bad karma for the foetus.

The foetus suffers bad karma because its soul is deprived of the opportunities that an earthly existence would have given it to earn good karma, and is returned immediately to the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Thus abortion hinders its spiritual progress.


Japanese Buddhists have had to make significant efforts to reconcile abortion with their religion, as abortion is common in Japan, and has been used as a form of birth control.

Some followers of Japanese Buddhism who have had an abortion make offerings to Jizo, the god of lost travellers and children. They believe that Jizo will steward the child until it is reborn in another incarnation.

They do this in a mizuko kuyÅ?, a memorial service for aborted children that became popular in the 1970s. (The service can also be used in cases of miscarriage or stillbirth.) The ritual includes elements of folk religion and Shinto as well as Buddhism.

The writer William R. Lafleur has pointed out some difficulties with this tradition:

...within the Japanese Buddhist community the discussion of abortion is now limited largely to criticisms of those temples and temple-like organizations which employ the notion of 'foetal retribution' to coerce the "parents" of an aborted foetus into performing rituals that memorialize the foetus, remove its 'grudges,' and facilitate its rebirth or its Buddhahood.
Many Buddhists find repugnant such types of manipulation of parental guilt - especially when expressed in the notion that a foetus in limbo will wreak vengeance (tatari) on parents who neglect to memorialize it.
William R. Lafleur, Contestation and Consensus: the Morality of Abortion in Japan.

Monday, 5 January 2015


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