Re-verification , revaluation and obtaining Photo copy of Answer sheet , Senior School Certificate(Class XII) Examination, 2014 , CBSE New Procedure
As per the official information from CBSE from 2014 onward board has made few change in the procedure verification , revaluation of answer sheet and obtaining photo copy of answer sheet by the candidates.
It is for the information of all the stakeholders that w.e.f. 2014 examination Board has decided to introduce the provision of “Revaluation” at the Senior Secondary level(Class XII) in addition to the provisions of Verification of Marks and Obtaining of photocopy of evaluated answer book(s) which are already in existence. These processes have been interlinked viz. candidates applying for verification of marks will only be eligible to apply for obtaining photocopy of evaluated answer book and those obtaining photocopy of answer book will only be eligible to apply for revaluation, meaning thereby that no candidate will be permitted to make a request for providing of photocopy(ies)without following the procedure of verification of marks and in the same way no candidate would have a right to challenge the answer(s) without verification of marks and getting photocopy of the evaluated answer book. Therefore, the candidates are requested to take note of this information and be careful while submitting application(s) accordingly.
The modalities are as under:
1. Verification of marks
The fee is Rs. 300/- per subject
The period for applying is within 07 days w.e.f. 30.5.2014 to 05.06. 2014
Payment will be received through e-challan/electronic payment gateway.
no application or fee shall be received offline.
The result of verification of marks will be uploaded on the Net. However in case a mistake is detected, a formal letter will also be sent by speed post.
The Board will not be responsible for any loss or damage or any inconvenience caused to the candidate, consequent upon the delay in communication for reasons beyond control
2.Application for Obtaining Photocopy of the evaluated answer book
Only those candidates who have applied for verification of marks will be eligible to apply for obtaining
photocopy of the evaluated answer book(s)on remitting the requisite fee of Rs.700/- per subject and the
schedule for receipt of forms will be from 20.6. 2014 to 23.06.2014.
3. Revaluation
i) Only those candidates who have applied for obtaining photocopy of the evaluated answer book shall be eligible to apply for revaluation or challenge the marks awarded to any question(s) in the following subjects only.
Subject for which candidate can apply for revaluation
English Core, English Elective, Functional English, Hindi Core, Hindi Elective, Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry, Biology, Business Studies, Economics & Accountancy
ii) Request for maximum 10 questions shall be entertained only for theory portion in the above subjects @Rs.100/- per question. Applications will be received only online with payment through e-challan/electronic payment gateway.
iii) request for revaluation/challenge for particular question(s) only in theory paper shall be received only online from 28.06.2014 to 04.7.2014.
iv) no second request for any additional question(s) shall be accepted
This information is based on official website of CBSE updated on 29 May 2014
Tag: how to, Apply, revaluation, CBSE, 2014, Marks, Board exams, verification of marks
As per the official information from CBSE from 2014 onward board has made few change in the procedure verification , revaluation of answer sheet and obtaining photo copy of answer sheet by the candidates.
It is for the information of all the stakeholders that w.e.f. 2014 examination Board has decided to introduce the provision of “Revaluation” at the Senior Secondary level(Class XII) in addition to the provisions of Verification of Marks and Obtaining of photocopy of evaluated answer book(s) which are already in existence. These processes have been interlinked viz. candidates applying for verification of marks will only be eligible to apply for obtaining photocopy of evaluated answer book and those obtaining photocopy of answer book will only be eligible to apply for revaluation, meaning thereby that no candidate will be permitted to make a request for providing of photocopy(ies)without following the procedure of verification of marks and in the same way no candidate would have a right to challenge the answer(s) without verification of marks and getting photocopy of the evaluated answer book. Therefore, the candidates are requested to take note of this information and be careful while submitting application(s) accordingly.
The modalities are as under:
1. Verification of marks
The fee is Rs. 300/- per subject
The period for applying is within 07 days w.e.f. 30.5.2014 to 05.06. 2014
Payment will be received through e-challan/electronic payment gateway.
no application or fee shall be received offline.
The result of verification of marks will be uploaded on the Net. However in case a mistake is detected, a formal letter will also be sent by speed post.
The Board will not be responsible for any loss or damage or any inconvenience caused to the candidate, consequent upon the delay in communication for reasons beyond control
2.Application for Obtaining Photocopy of the evaluated answer book
Only those candidates who have applied for verification of marks will be eligible to apply for obtaining
photocopy of the evaluated answer book(s)on remitting the requisite fee of Rs.700/- per subject and the
schedule for receipt of forms will be from 20.6. 2014 to 23.06.2014.
3. Revaluation
i) Only those candidates who have applied for obtaining photocopy of the evaluated answer book shall be eligible to apply for revaluation or challenge the marks awarded to any question(s) in the following subjects only.
Subject for which candidate can apply for revaluation
English Core, English Elective, Functional English, Hindi Core, Hindi Elective, Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry, Biology, Business Studies, Economics & Accountancy
ii) Request for maximum 10 questions shall be entertained only for theory portion in the above subjects @Rs.100/- per question. Applications will be received only online with payment through e-challan/electronic payment gateway.
iii) request for revaluation/challenge for particular question(s) only in theory paper shall be received only online from 28.06.2014 to 04.7.2014.
iv) no second request for any additional question(s) shall be accepted
This information is based on official website of CBSE updated on 29 May 2014
Tag: how to, Apply, revaluation, CBSE, 2014, Marks, Board exams, verification of marks
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